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MÄRZ 2025
Adults Only

Sexy Record Covers


Record Covers

  • Art Record Covers
  • Extraordinary Records
  • Jazz Covers
  • Rock Covers
  • Funk & Soul Covers

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Ausgabe: EnglischVerfügbarkeit: Coming soon

Sexy, schlüpfrig und nur für Erwachsene: Diese Sammlung erforscht 70 Jahre erstaunlicher, anstößiger oder schlichtweg komischer Albumcover. Sexy Cover verkauften sich in allen Musikgenres, von Funk über Punk bis hin zum deutschen Schlager. Comedy-Alben reichen von mid-century „Stag Party“ Pin-ups bis hin zum schlüpfrigen 70er-Jahre-Hit Blowfly.

Hardcover11.5 x 11.5 in.8.59 lb528 Seiten
MÄRZ 2025
Adults Only
Sexy Record Covers

Sexy Record Covers


Do Ya Think I’m Sexy?

The sexiest, funniest, weirdest record covers ever wrapped around vinyl

Eric Godtland has worked in the record industry for over 35 years, and collected records since turning 12 in 1977. As manager of the American band Third Eye Blind from 1995 he traveled the world, exploring record stores in every country, adding to his collection. Sexy covers were not a priority, but always welcome.

When Godtland switched to managing, and touring with, Village People in the 2010s he encountered such eccentric, comical and erotic covers in far-flung countries he concentrated on acquiring every sexy record cover ever produced. And he succeeded. The hundreds of covers in this book come from North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. Most are from small labels with limited production that were never seen outside their countries of origin. They range in age from Music Out of the Moon, the first electronic album, 1947, to punk band Dwarves Concept Album, 2023. Genres go from mainstream pop to Japanese jazz, German schlager, raunchy comedy and uncensored sex talk. The artists are well-known: Rolling Stones, James Brown, Charlie Mingus, 2 Live Crew and Queen; cult favorites: Chicks on Speed and comic Blowfly; and frankly profane: Sex Organs, V8 Wankers and The Pleasure Fuckers. All used sex to sell their music, as we’re using their wise decision to sell this sexy, surprising, entirely hilarious book.

Sexy Record Covers
Hardcover29.3 x 29.3 cm3.90 kg528 Seiten

ISBN 978-3-8365-9620-6

Ausgabe: Englisch
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