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SEPT. 2024
Die XL-Bücher sind mindestens 34 cm hoch oder breit.

Marvin E. Newman

80Ausgabe: EnglischVerfügbarkeit: 26. Oktober 2024
The first major career retrospective of this remarkable midcentury street photographer, largely undiscovered beyond a prestigious collector and gallery circle. Some 170 images reveal Newman’s flawless technique and humanist sensibility through vivid New York cityscapes, riveting sports shots, and other inventive images from across the U.S.
Hardcover9.8 x 14.2 in.5.86 lb240 Seiten
SEPT. 2024
Die XL-Bücher sind mindestens 34 cm hoch oder breit.
Marvin E. Newman

Marvin E. Newman


American Beauty

The undiscovered midcentury street photographer Marvin E. Newman

In 1952, after becoming one of the first-ever recipients of a Master of Science degree in Photography at Chicago’s Institute of Design, native New Yorker Marvin E. Newman returned to his hometown. Like many artists before, he set about chronicling the city. Unlike his predecessors, Newman chose color photography as the preeminent medium for capturing the people and energy of New York, and its emergence in the 1950s as the self-proclaimed “Greatest City in the World.”

Lauded by the likes of Eastman House, MoMA, and the International Center of Photography, Newman’s images remained, up until now, largely undiscovered beyond a prestigious collector and gallery circle. After featuring Newman in New York: Portrait of a City, TASCHEN now presents the artist’s first career monograph including some 170 pictures from the late 1940s through the early 1980s, previously available in a Collector’s Edition. Newman passed away in 2023 at the age of 95.

From Times Square to Wall Street, from Broadway to Little Italy, Newman’s vivid, original tableaux offer fresh perspectives on familiar New York landmarks but, above all, a unique sense for life in the city and for the drama and extremities that weld New York to so many hearts. Beyond New York, Newman applies the same flawless technique and humanist sensibility to other locations across the United States including Chicago, Kansas, a vintage 1950s circus; a legalized brothel in Reno, Nevada; Las Vegas; Alaska; and groovy 1960s California; as well as top shots from his sports photography portfolio featuring icons such as Cassius Clay and Pele´.

Newman, who is represented by the prestigious Howard Greenberg Gallery, was long overdue a monograph. With an essay by critic and scholar Lyle Rexer, this first chronological retrospective offers due recognition to an outstanding talent, providing memorable images that leave their mark on the eye and the soul.
Der Künstler

Marvin E. Newman (*1927) war einer der Ersten, der vom Institute of Design in Chicago einen Master of Science in Fotografie erhielt. Der gebürtige New Yorker fotografierte Sport für Life, Look und Sports Illustrated.

Der Autor

Lyle Rexer ist ein in New York ansässiger Schriftsteller, Kurator und Kunstkritker. Er schreibt für die Zeitschrift Photograph und viele andere, wie Art in America, Aperture und Modern Painters. Zu seinen Büchern zählen The Edge of Vision: The Rise of Abstraction in Photography und How to Look at Outsider Art. Der Rhodes-Stipendiat ist Mitglied der Fakultät der School of Visual Arts in New York City.

Der Herausgeber

Reuel Golden, ehemaliger Chefredakteur des British Journal of Photography, ist Editor für Fotografie bei TASCHEN. Für TASCHEN hat er unter anderem die Titel Mick Rock: The Rise of David Bowie, die Bände zu London und New York aus der Reihe Porträt einer Stadt, The Rolling Stones, Her Majesty, die Bildbände zu National Geographic, den David Bailey SUMO sowie Andy Warhol, Polaroids, herausgegeben.

Marvin E. Newman
Hardcover25 x 36 cm2.66 kg240 Seiten

ISBN 978-3-8365-9912-2

Ausgabe: Englisch
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