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AVR. 2025

Logo Beginnings. Logo Modernism. 45th Ed.


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Edition: Multilingue (Allemand, Anglais, Français)Disponibilité: Coming soon

Many iconic brands—like Rolex, BMW, Louis Vuitton, and the New York Yankees—still use logos designed over 100 years ago. Tracing the origins of the trademark and gathering more than 3,000 logos from the mid-1800s up to 1980, design guru Jens Müller’s exhaustive anthology is a must for anyone fascinated by the evolution of modern corporate identities.

Relié6.1 x 8.5 in.0 lb512 pages
«Un bon logo, c’est un logo que vous pouvez dessiner de mémoire dans le sable avec votre gros orteil.»
Kurt Weidemann
AVR. 2025
Logo Beginnings. Logo Modernism. 45th Ed.

Logo Beginnings. Logo Modernism. 45th Ed.


Icons of Identity

A 100-year history of the origins and evolution of the trademark

By the late 19th century, trademarks began to replace traditional emblems, like coats of arms, as identifying symbols for companies. At first, logos tended to be figurative, but over time they morphed into the abstract marks that we see everywhere today. Yet many iconic brands—like Rolex, BMW, Louis Vuitton, and the New York Yankees—still use logos designed 100 years ago.

Bringing together two previous volumes—Logo Beginnings and Logo Modernism—into one compendium, design expert Jens Müller (dubbed “the logo detective” by Wired magazine) has trawled historical trademark archives and design publications to unearth 1000s of logos from as far back as 1870, including many forgotten designs and early versions of today’s brand identifiers.

For clarity and ease of reference, both the Beginnings and Modernism sections are divided into categories (like Pictorial, Form, Effect, and Typographic) with each category further subdivided by basic design elements, like circle, line, alphabet, overlay, dots and squares.

For context, in addition to the author’s essay on the history of the trademark, R. Roger Remington writes on modernism in graphic design, plus there are profiles of eight seminal designers—including Paul Rand, Yusaku Kamekura, and Anton Stankowski.

Covering everything from media outfits to retail giants, airlines to art galleries, this is an invaluable resource for graphic designers, advertisers, and branding experts. It will also delight fans of cultural and corporate history, and anyone fascinated by the persuasive power of image and form.

À propos de l’auteur

Jens Müller est né en 1982 à Coblence, en Allemagne, et a étudié le graphisme. Lauréat de nombreux prix de design nationaux et internationaux, il est partenaire du studio de design Vista à Düsseldorf, et professeur de design d’entreprise à l’université des sciences et arts appliqués de Dortmund. Auteur et éditeur de plusieurs ouvrages, Müller mène des recherches sur l’histoire du graphisme et de l’image de marque.

Logo Beginnings. Logo Modernism. 45th Ed.
Relié15.6 x 21.7 cm0 kg512 pages

ISBN 978-3-7544-0137-8

Edition: Multilingue (Allemand, Anglais, Français)
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