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I libri XXL misurano almeno 39 cm.

Frida Kahlo. The Complete Paintings

Disponibilità: aprile 26, 2025
Frida Kahlo ha rivoluzionato la storia dell'arte come nessuna artista donna prima di lei. È stata una figura chiave dell'arte moderna rivoluzionaria messicana e una pioniera delle politiche di genere, sessualità e femminismo. Questa monografia XXL riunisce tutti i 152 dipinti di Kahlo con foto rare, pagine di diario, lettere e una biografia illustrata.
Legato in lino11.4 x 15.6 in.14.17 lb624 pagine
I libri XXL misurano almeno 39 cm.
Frida Kahlo. The Complete Paintings

Frida Kahlo. The Complete Paintings


Pain and Passion

The complete paintings of Frida Kahlo in an XXL edition

Among the few women artists who have transcended art history, none had a meteoric rise quite like Mexican painter Frida Kahlo (1907–1954). Her unmistakable face, depicted in over fifty extraordinary self-portraits, has been admired by generations; along with hundreds of photographs taken by notable artists such as Edward Weston, Manuel and Lola Álvarez Bravo, Nickolas Muray, and Martin Munkácsi, they made Frida Kahlo an icon of 20th century art.

After an accident in her early youth, Frida became a painter. Her marriage to Diego Rivera in 1929 placed her at the forefront of an artistic scene not only in the cultural Renaissance of Mexico, but also in the United States. Her work garnered praise from the poet André Breton, who added the Mexican painter to the ranks of international surrealism and exhibited her work in Paris in 1939 to the admiration of Picasso, Kandinsky, and Duchamp.

We access the intimacy of Frida’s affections and passions through a selection of drawings, pages from her personal diary, letters, and an extensive illustrated biography featuring photos of Frida, Diego, and the Casa Azul, Frida’s home and the center of her universe.

This large-format XXL book allows readers to admire Frida Kahlos paintings like never before, including unprecedented detail shots and famous photographs. It presents pieces in private collections and reproduces works that were previously lost or have not been exhibited for more than 80 years, forming the most extensive study of Kahlos work and life to date.
L'editore e autore

Luis-Martín Lozano is an art historian specializing in the study of the creative processes of modernist artists in Mexico and Latin America. He is the recipient of a Fulbright scholarship and has conducted extensive research on the work of both Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, as well as publishing widely on both artists. Lozano was formerly the director of the Museo de Arte Moderno in Mexico, and has been a guest curator for many art institutions in the United States, Europe, Asia, Latin America, and particularly in Mexico.

I coautori

Andrea Kettenmann (nata nel 1959) ha studiato storia dell’arte a Gießen, Gottinga e Heidelberg prima di entrare nel dipartimento di storia dell’arte dell’Università di Amburgo. Nel 1986, grazie a una borsa di studio, ha visitato il Messico, dove ora vive e lavora come storica dell’arte freelance. Fino a oggi ha lavorato a numerose esposizioni e cataloghi, incluso quello per la retrospettiva di Detroit dedicata a Diego Rivera.

Marina Vázquez Ramos is an art historian specializing in modern Mexican art. She works as a university professor, researcher, and exhibition curator, and has edited several publications in Mexico and abroad. She was deputy director general of the Museo de Arte Moderno in Mexico City and is now director of the Mario Vázquez Raña Library’s Photography Collection and Newspaper Archive.

Frida Kahlo. The Complete Paintings
Legato in lino29 x 39.5 cm6.43 kg624 pagine

ISBN 978-3-8365-7420-4

Edizione: Inglese

ISBN 978-3-8365-8307-7

Edizione: Francese
Scarica qui le immagini del prodotto

March 29 - July 13, 2025

Frida Kahlo's Month in Paris: A Friendship with Mary Reynolds

Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, United States



92 Valutazioni

Excelente Compra

Ivonne,22 novembre 2023
Todo muy bien, el libro totalmente nuevo y empacado, ningún daño, recomiendo a este vendedor ampliamente.

Ein Meisterwertk der Kunstgeschichte

Tim L.,9 ottobre 2023
"Frida Kahlos gesammelte Werke" ist zweifellos ein monumentales Buch, das die umfassende Schönheit und Tiefe des Werks dieser außergewöhnlichen Künstlerin auf beeindruckende Weise einfängt. Als langjähriger Bewunderer von Frida Kahlos Kunst war ich von diesem Buch schlichtweg begeistert. Die Zusammenstellung ihrer Werke, begleitet von informativen Kommentaren und Hintergrundinformationen, erlaubt einen tiefen Einblick in das Leben und Schaffen dieser Ikone der Kunstgeschichte. Die Reproduktionen der Gemälde sind von herausragender Qualität und vermitteln die leidenschaftliche Intensität, die in jedem einzelnen Werk von Frida Kahlo steckt. Die begleitenden Texte, Essays und Analysen bieten eine umfassende Perspektive auf ihre künstlerische Entwicklung, ihre Einflüsse und die gesellschaftlichen Themen, die in ihrer Kunst so meisterhaft reflektiert werden. Es ist ein Buch, das nicht nur Kunstliebhaber, sondern auch Historiker und all diejenigen, die sich für das Leben und Schaffen von Frida Kahlo interessieren, schätzen werden. Die Ausgabe selbst ist von hoher Qualität, mit einem robusten Einband und gestochen scharfen Drucken. Dieses Buch ist zweifellos ein Schatz für jede Kunstbibliothek und ein Tribut an das Erbe einer der bedeutendsten Künstlerinnen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Eine wohlverdiente Fünf-Sterne-Bewertung!

Grosses Werk

Marte S.,30 agosto 2023
Ein absoluter Hingucker


jan t.,16 agosto 2023
I ordered this book after watching the Frida Kahlo documentary on BBC iPlayer and what a wonderful testament to her it is! It was a big investment for me but absolutely worth it. It is BIG so be warned about that! The package arrived ok however when opening the outer sleeve to the book was damaged - it had clearly been done before despatch and I was disappointed with that! I contacted the seller and they acknowledged that the fault was they’re end and apologised and offered a small (15%) refund of money. Customer service was good and comms ok. I would recommend this seller ⭐️

Was für ein wunderbares Buch

Sabine S.,14 agosto 2023
Seit ich 18 Jahre alt war, liebe ich Frida Kahlos Gemälde! Nach dem Besuch von "Viva la vida" in Hamburg entdeckte ich das Buch im Shop. Der Preis und auch das Gewicht ließen mich zurückschrecken. Half nichts, ich musste es haben und dieses hochwertige Buch ist jeden Penny wert! Die Abbildungen sind klar und die Farbwiedergabe perfekt! Dazu die Informationen über ihr Leben (Briefe, Tagebuchabschnitte, Kommentare, Fotografien) machen dieses Buch perfekt!


Marcus,11 agosto 2023
Ha reso un'amica felice.