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The Tarot of A. E. Waite and P. Colman Smith

Disponibilità: Disponibile

Arthur E. Waite era un mistico moderno. Insieme all’artista Pamela Colman Smith ha creato il famosissimo mazzo di tarocchi, oggi più popolare che mai. Il pioniere dei tarocchi Johannes Fiebig ha riunito più di 800 immagini e testi. Questo kit comprende anche i facsimili completi dell’edizione originale del 1910 di queste carte e di The Key to the Tarot di A. E. Waite.

Hardcover, deck with 78 cards and facsimile in a clamshell, 23 x 28.7 cm, 3 kg, 444 pages

“Se volete capire qualcosa dei tarocchi, il volume di Johannes Fiebig appena pubblicato da TASCHEN si candida a diventare un autentico punto fermo. Un libro monumentale, ricco di testi illuminanti e di oltre mille illustrazioni che ricostruiscono passato e presente dei tarocchi mostrandone le ricadute nell’arte, nella cultura popolare, e nell’immaginario antico e moderno.”

Il Venerdì di Repubblica
The Tarot of P. Colman Smith and A. E. Waite

The Tarot of P. Colman Smith and A. E. Waite


Doors into our uncharted depths

The Story of the World's Most Popular Tarot

A unique edition of bright texts, brilliant images, and historic reprints, this kit provides everything that both beginners and advanced Tarot users might need and want to read cards for themselves and to study and experience this cultural gem in all its beauty and significance.

The valuable collector’s box includes a complete deck of the Waite Smith Tarot cards and Waite’s famous companion book The Key to the Tarot. In this illustrated book, with texts and images compiled by Johannes Fiebig, the Tarot cards become psychological mirrors and signposts leading toward new answers and personal solutions. The fact that this works well can be attributed to certain advantages inherent to the Waite-Smith cards, and these points are illuminated in an essay by Rachel Pollack.

All 78 cards are presented individually and in detail. The explanatory texts provide several dimensions and levels of interpretation, including concrete practical tips. Further, the book offers a new feature: the quick check. This presents a concise hint regarding the meaning of each card in each possible position of all the spread patterns featured in the book.

When Arthur E. Waite and Pamela Colman Smith developed their Tarot deck in London in 1909, nobody could have predicted that it would have an overwhelming renaissance starting around 60 years later. What were the lives, works, and passions of these creators like? Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur E. Waite are brought vividly back to life in essays by Mary K. Greer and Robert A. Gilbert.
Gli autori

Johannes Fiebig è uno degli autori più affermati in materia di tarocchi, nonché uno dei massimi esperti dell’interpretazione psicologica dei simboli. Dal suo esordio editoriale nel 1984, i suoi libri hanno venduto oltre 2 milioni di copie e sono stati tradotti in più di dieci lingue. Nel 1989 è stato cofondatore e comproprietario della casa editrice Königsfurt, in seguito scorporata nei marchi Königsfurt-Urania e AGM-Urania, di cui è stato amministratore delegato fino al 2018. Da allora vive a Kiel, in Germania, dove lavora come scrittore freelance.

Mary K. Greer is one of the world’s leading Tarot scholars and experts, famous by her outstanding, both exciting and useful Tarot blog. She is an author, teacher, and professional tarot consultant known for her innovative teaching techniques. With an M.A. in English Literature, she taught Tarot in colleges for fifteen years. Since the 1980s and her book Tarot for Your Self (1984), Mary belongs to the pioneers of the tarot as self-experience and as a tool of personal transformation and empowerment. She is a co-author of Pamela Colman Smith: The Untold Story (2018). She lives in California, USA. 

Rachel Pollack has published 46 books, including several on the Tarot, which are known the world over. Her books have been translated into 15 languages, and she has taught and lectured on four continents. A visual artist, she created the Shining Tribe Tarot and, in collaboration with Robert M. Place, the Raziel Tarot and the Burning Serpent Oracle. Rachel Pollack lived in Rhinebeck, New York (USA), where she died in 2023.

Robert A. Gilbert studied philosophy and psychology at the University of Bristol and obtained a doctorate from the University of London for his thesis on Victorian esoteric literature. A prolific author, he is also an editor in the field of Western esotericism, specializing in the life and work of Arthur E. Waite and the history of the Order of the Golden Dawn. He lives in Somerset, England.

The Tarot of A. E. Waite and P. Colman Smith
Hardcover, deck with 78 cards and facsimile in a clamshell, 23 x 28.7 cm, 3 kg, 444 pages

ISBN 978-3-8365-8642-9

Edizione: Inglese

ISBN 978-3-8365-9721-0

Edizione: Spagnolo
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8 Valutazioni

5 Stars

Peggy F.,16 febbraio 2025
What a wonderful Valentine's Day surprise from my honey! This is THE ultimate Tarot Book of all. Soooo much detail and information for the novice Tarot enthusiast as well as the more advanced scholar. I'm so inclined to rid myself of all those "other" tarot books. This has it all, and Taschen does it better than anyone.

Amazing collection!

Jason M.,19 marzo 2024
This is an amazing collection. I bought this collection for myself as a Christmas gift and am making a late review. The book itself is incredible; the paper quality is perfect and explores the world of Tarot, interpretations of the cards as well as the wonderful history explored about A.E. Waite and P. Colman Smith. Also explores the history of the Tarot decks itself as well as possible spreads. Also includes a deck of cards that are designed facsimiles like the original 1910 version, as well as A.E. Waite's Key of Tarot. I really love the big box it keeps the contents in as well! My only criticism and reason for not giving this 5 stars is I wish the boxset for the Tarot box was easier to access. Unfortunately I had to rip open the card box to reach the cards and was a very tight fit to keep the cards in. I really hope in future editions of this wonderful collection that it might possibly have a better placing for the Tarot cards, which I have to say are in wonderful thick quality! But that is my only minor thing with this edition. The new book by itself is a must for those serious as Tarot collectors. I am very happy overall, and can't wait to get more of Taschen's wonderful works soon!


Amelie,9 febbraio 2024
Beautiful! Thick quality Cards. The book is very interesting. The content covers a lot more than other Tarot books out there. A wonderful set, and a great gift for yourself or someone else!

Eduard S.,30 gennaio 2024
Impressive & important set for any tarot enthusiast, high quality product.

Adorable book!

Alexey E.,19 gennaio 2024
Today I received The Tarot book by Taschen. The quality is amazing, it is such a pleasure to leaf through the book. The smell of this book reminds me of likeable scent of printed albums of the 00s. Greatly recommend!

Amazing quality

Katerina A.,8 gennaio 2024
The printing, binding, material, coloring, illustrations & overall care of this publishing show how much attention to detail has been paid! Thank you TASCHEN for my collection of beautiful books!