20L'artista italiano Lucio Fontana ha letteralmente fatto a pezzi l'establishment dell'arte. Formatosi come scultore, ha combinato forma e colore in gesti spaziali radicali, soprattutto con le sue tele squarciate degli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta. Considerato il padre dello Spazialismo di metà secolo, la sua pratica provocatoria ha trasformato l'innovazione del dopoguerra in una sintesi pionieristica di arte, tecnologia e scienza.

20Tearing Things Up
The radical gestures of Lucio Fontana
Debuting in Milan, Fontana settled in Paris in the mid-1930s, where he joined the Abstraction-Création group and created expressionist sculptures in ceramic and bronze. He later moved to Argentina, where he developed his highly influential Technical Manifesto of Spatialism, a modernist marvel, characteristic of postwar innovation and fueled by a forward-looking synthesis of art, technology, and science. With Spatialism, the artist sought to project color and form into spaces, most famously in his minimally ripped or slashed canvases, such as his extensive Spatial Concept Waiting series.
This dependable artist introduction follows Fontana on his personal and artistic journey to explore the evolution of his pioneering ideas as well as their remarkable legacy on conceptual and performance art.
Barbara Hess (b. 1964) is an art historian, critic, and translator and resides in Cologne. Her numerous articles on contemporary art have been featured in Camera Austria, Flash Art, Kunst-Bulletin, and Texte zur Kunst. She co-curated the touring exhibition Ready to Shoot: Fernsehgalerie Gerry Schum/videogalerie schum at the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf and the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris.
Copertina rigida, 21 x 26 cm, 0.57 kg, 96 pagineNata nel 1985, la serie Basic Art è diventata la collezione di libri d’arte più venduta al mondo. Ogni libro della serie Basic Art di TASCHEN contiene:
• una cronologia dettagliata riassuntiva della vita e delle opere dell’artista, inserito nel contesto storico e culturale in cui è vissuto
• una biografia concisa
• circa 100 illustrazioni con didascalie esplicative
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