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I libri XL hanno un'altezza minima di 34 cm, ad eccezione dei titoli in formato orizzontale.

Bruegel. The Complete Works

Disponibilità: Disponibile

Scopri l'opera completa di Pieter Bruegel il Vecchio, l'artista più significativo della pittura fiamminga del Rinascimento. Questa monografia XL raccoglie tutti i 40 dipinti, i 65 disegni e le 89 incisioni: ogni opera è una testimonianza unica sia dei costumi religiosi che della cultura popolare dell'epoca di Bruegel.

Copertina rigida9.8 x 13.4 in.7.95 lb492 pagine
I libri XL hanno un'altezza minima di 34 cm, ad eccezione dei titoli in formato orizzontale.
Bruegel. The Complete Works

Bruegel. The Complete Works


Sense of a Scene

Pieter Bruegel's complete works in highest resolution

The life and times of Pieter Bruegel the Elder (c. 1526/30–1569) were marked by stark cultural conflict. He witnessed religious wars, the Duke of Alba’s brutal rule as governor of the Netherlands, and the palpable effects of the Inquisition. To this day, the Flemish artist remains shrouded in mystery. We know neither where nor exactly when he was born. But while early scholarship emphasized the vernacular character of his painting and graphic work, modern research has attached greater importance to its humanistic content.

Starting out as a print designer for publisher Hieronymus Cock, Bruegel produced numerous print series that were distributed throughout Europe. These depicted vices and virtues alongside jolly peasant festivals and sweeping landscape panoramas. He would eventually increasingly turn to painting, working for the cultural elite of Antwerp and Brussels.

This monograph is a testament to Bruegel’s evolution as an artist, one who bravely confronted the issues of his day all the while proposing new inventions and solutions. Rather than idealizing reality, he addressed the horrors of religious warfare and took a critical stand against the institution of the Church. To this end, he developed his own pictorial language of dissidence, lacing innocuous everyday scenes with subliminal statements in order to escape repercussions.

This collection captures all the breadth and splendid detail of Bruegel’s oeuvre like never before, and gathers all 40 paintings, 65 drawings, and 89 engravings in pristine reproductions—each piece a unique witness to both the religious mores and the close-knit folk culture of Bruegel’s time.
Gli autori

Jürgen Müller è docente di Storia dell’arte moderna presso l’Università tecnica di Dresda. Dopo aver studiato storia dell’arte presso le università di Bochum, Münster, Pisa, Parigi e Amsterdam, ha lavorato come critico d’arte e curato numerose mostre. È inoltre il curatore della collana di TASCHEN dedicata ai migliori film di ogni decennio.

Thomas Schauerte is the director of the municipal museums in Aschaffenburg. Until 2019 he was the manager of the Albrecht Dürer House, the City Museum and the art collections of the City of Nuremberg. He is a specialist in graphic art whose research focusses on Albrecht Dürer and the art of the Middle Ages and the Baroque period.

Bruegel. The Complete Works
Copertina rigida25 x 34 cm3.60 kg492 pagine

ISBN 978-3-8365-8358-9

Edizione: Tedesco

ISBN 978-3-8365-8359-6

Edizione: Spagnolo

ISBN 978-3-8365-8360-2

Edizione: Francese

ISBN 978-3-8365-8361-9

Edizione: Inglese
Scarica qui le immagini del prodotto

March 11 - June 29, 2025

Arcimboldo, Bruegel, Bassano: Die Zeiten der Natur

Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria



1 Valutazione

Not bad but not Complete

Anastas C.,18 luglio 2023
Great quality but i don't find some paintings of Bruegel like Naval in the Gulf of Naples. Then why is it called Complete Works?