What Great Paintings Say. Masterpieces in Detail
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What Great Paintings Say. 100 Masterpieces in Detail
25Under the Microscope
Paintings’ hidden secrets revealed
Guiding our eye to the minutiae of subject and symbolism, authors Rose-Marie and Rainer Hagen allow even the most familiar of pictures to come alive anew through their intricacies and intrigues. Is the bride pregnant? Why does the man wear a beret? How does the shadow of war hang over a scene of dancing? Along the way, we travel from Ancient Egypt through to modern Europe, from the Renaissance to the Roaring Twenties. We meet Greek heroes and poor German poets and roam from cathedrals to cabaret bars, from the Garden of Eden to a Garden Bench in rural France.
As we pick apart each painting and then reassemble it like a giant jigsaw puzzle, these celebrated canvases captivate not only in their sheer wealth of details but also in the witness they bear to the fashions and trends, people and politics, loves and lifestyles of their time.
Gli autori
Rose-Marie Hagen è nata in Svizzera. Ha studiato storia e lingua e letterature romanze a Losanna. Dopo aver proseguito gli studi a Parigi e a Firenze, ha insegnato presso varie istituzioni, tra cui la American University a Washington, D.C.
Rainer Hagen è nato ad Amburgo. Si è laureato in letteratura e studi teatrali a Monaco di Baviera e in seguito ha lavorato per la radio e la televisione, ricoprendo il ruolo di direttore di un’emittente pubblica tedesca.
Insieme i due autori hanno collaborato alla realizzazione di diversi volumi per TASCHEN, tra cui What Great Paintings Say I e II e le monografie Pieter Bruegel e Francisco de Goya.
What Great Paintings Say. Masterpieces in Detail
Copertina rigida, 14 x 19.5 cm, 1.02 kg, 664 pagineISBN 978-3-8365-5924-9
Edizione: SpagnoloISBN 978-3-8365-5925-6
Edizione: FranceseISBN 978-3-8365-5926-3
Edizione: Inglese5