20Disponibilità: DisponibileIn tele animate dal movimento, dalla luce, dal colore e dalla velocità, i futuristi hanno creato uno dei documenti più stimolanti della svolta tecnologica del XX secolo. Questa monografia ripercorre i principali protagonisti, le influenze e le controversie del movimento che, allo stesso tempo, sosteneva il progresso e glorificava la guerra, disprezzava la femminilità e minava l'élite accademica.

20Fast and Furious
The action men of modernism
Futurism’s place in art history is as ambivalent as it is important. The movement pioneered revolutionary methods to convey movement, light, and speed, but sparks controversy in its glorification of war and fascist politics. Their frenzied, almost furious, canvases, are as remarkable for their macho aggression as they are for their radical experimentation with brushstrokes, texture, and color in the quest to record an object moving through space.
With key examples from the Futurists’ prolific output and leading practitioners, this book introduces the movement that spat vitriol at all -isms of the past and, in so doing, created an -ism of their own.
Sylvia Martin received her PhD in art history at the University of Cologne, trained at the Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf, and worked as curator and academic collaborator at the Kunstmuseum as well as at the Kunstpalast Museum in Düsseldorf. She currently works as a freelance curator in Munich.
Copertina rigida, 21 x 26 cm, 0.57 kg, 96 pagineISBN 978-3-8365-0568-0
Edizione: FranceseISBN 978-3-8365-0583-3
Edizione: IngleseISBN 978-3-8365-0567-3
Edizione: SpagnoloNon sono state ancora pubblicate recensioni per questo articolo. Sii il primo a valutare questo prodotto.