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I libri XXL misurano almeno 39 cm.

Massimo Listri. The World’s Most Beautiful Libraries

200Edizione: Multilingue (Francese, Inglese, Tedesco)Disponibilità: aprile 18, 2025
Appassionati di biblioteche gioite! In questo estasiante viaggio fotografico, Massimo Listri si reca in alcune delle più antiche e raffinate biblioteche del mondo per celebrarne la meraviglia architettonica e storica. Dalle istituzioni medievali a quelle del XIX secolo, dalle collezioni private a quelle monastiche, questo è un pellegrinaggio storico-culturale nel cuore delle sedi del sapere e delle storie che raccontano.
Copertina rigida11.4 x 15.6 in.15.67 lb560 pagine
I libri XXL misurano almeno 39 cm.
Massimo Listri. The World’s Most Beautiful Libraries

Massimo Listri. The World’s Most Beautiful Libraries


Temples of Knowledge

Exceptional access to the world’s illustrious libraries

From the mighty halls of ancient Alexandria to the coffered ceilings of the Morgan Library in New York, human beings have had a long, enraptured relationship with libraries. Like no other concept and like no other space, the collection of knowledge, learning, and imagination offers a sense of infinite possibility. It’s the unrivaled realm of discovery, where every faded manuscript or mighty clothbound tome might reveal a provocative new idea, a far-flung fantasy, an ancient belief, a religious conviction, or a whole new way of being in the world.

In this new photographic journey, Massimo Listri travels to some of the oldest and finest libraries to reveal their architectural, historical, and imaginative wonder. Through great wooden doors, up spiraling staircases, and along exquisite, shelf-lined corridors, he leads us through outstanding private, public, educational, and monastic libraries, dating as far back as 766. Between them, these medieval, classical, baroque, rococo, and 19th-century institutions hold some of the most precious records of human thought and deed, inscribed and printed in manuscripts, volumes, papyrus scrolls, and incunabula. In each, Listri’s poised images capture the library’s unique atmosphere, as much as their most prized holdings and design details.

Featured libraries include the papal collections of the Vatican Apostolic Library, Trinity College Library, home to the Book of Kells and Book of Durrow, and the holdings of the Laurentian Library in Florence, the private library of the powerful House of Medici, designed by Michelangelo. With meticulous descriptions accompanying each featured library, we learn not only of the libraries’ astonishing holdings—from which highlights are illustrated—but also of their often lively, turbulent, or controversial pasts. Like Altenburg Abbey in Austria, an outpost of imperial Catholicism repeatedly destroyed during the European wars of religion, or the Franciscan monastery in Lima, Peru, with its horde of archival Inquisition documents.

At once a bibliophile beauty pageant, an ode to knowledge, and an evocation of the particular magic of print, Massimo Listri. The World’s Most Beautiful Libraries is above all a cultural-historical pilgrimage to the heart of our halls of learning, to the stories they tell, as much as those they gather in printed matter along polished shelves.
Il fotografo

Massimo Listri, a Florence native, is a photographer renowned for his masterful architectural and interior compositions. Known for capturing the opulence and rich histories of palaces, libraries, and museums, his work has been featured in design magazines and, in collaboration with international publishers, been collated into over 70 books. He has photographed numerous notable sites, including the Vatican Library and the Palace of Versailles.

Gli autori

Elisabeth Sladek studied Art History in Vienna, Classical Archaeology and Judaic Studies and wrote her dissertation at the Max Planck Institute in Rome. Her special field is the history of the Baroque art and architecture and she is an active researcher and teacher, among others in Vienna, Rome and Zurich. She also publishes regularly on the respective themes.

After studying history, German language and literature, education and philosophy, Georg Ruppelt gained his PhD with a doctoral thesis on Friedrich Schiller. He subsequently worked as a librarian, becoming deputy director of the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel in 1987, and director of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek in Hanover from 2002 to 2016. Ruppelt has published over 400 essays and 40 monographs on the subject of books, library science, and cultural history.

Massimo Listri. The World’s Most Beautiful Libraries
Copertina rigida29 x 39.5 cm7.11 kg560 pagine

ISBN 978-3-8365-3524-3

Edizione: Multilingue (Francese, Inglese, Tedesco)
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40 Valutazioni

Liebhaber von gedruckten Büchern können kaum an diesem Werk vorbei laufen.

Klaus S.,20 aprile 2024
Hier liefert uns der Taschen Verlag wieder ein hervorragendes Buch in bibliophiler Qualität, das auch von der Größe her fast ans Folio-Format heranreicht, aber zumindest als Groß-Quart bezeichnet werden kann. Und mit seinen 7 Kilo ist es auch nicht gerade ein Leichtgewicht.

Excellent book!

George P.,8 novembre 2023
Excellent book!

A must for any bibliophiles own library!

SF B.,30 giugno 2023
The pictures are breathtakingly beautiful in this multiligual tome. I've enjoyed reading it in two other languages (great practice) nearly as much. A fabulous gift for the bibliophile in your life, or yourself. The seller packaged this beautiful book to arrive as fresh as it looked hot off the press; I highly recommend.

An exciting journey through the most exciting libraries in the world

Antonio G.,22 marzo 2023
Discovering, seeing and admiring the succession of libraries shown in the book is like entering a museum where authentic works of art are exhibited. The sensation of pleasure produced by turning the pages and finding the photos is unmatched

Beautiful book!

Amazon C.,24 febbraio 2023
I love this book! It has definitely added a few more locations to my bucket list of places I want to travel to! The pictures are gorgeous and the text is very helpful about what you might expect to see.

This is a beautiful book!!

Karen,18 luglio 2022
I gave this book to my daughter-in-law for her birthday. She loved it! It is a beautiful book! Such high quality!