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The Star Wars Archives. 1977–1983. 45th Ed.

Disponibilità: Disponibile

Star Wars è esploso sugli schermi cinematografici nel 1977 e da quel momento il mondo è cambiato. In questo libro George Lucas ci guida attraverso l’originale trilogia in una modalità inedita, raccontando le ispirazioni, le esperienze e le storie che hanno dato vita al monomito moderno. Completo di pagine di sceneggiatura, concept art, storyboard, fotografie sul set e altro ancora.

Copertina rigida6.1 x 8.5 in.3.21 lb512 pagine
The Star Wars Archives. 1977–1983. 40th Ed.

The Star Wars Archives. 1977–1983. 40th Ed.


The Star Wars Archives. 1977–1983

The definitive exploration of the original trilogy

Star Wars exploded onto our cinema screens in 1977, and the world has not been the same since. After watching depressing and cynical movies throughout the early 1970s, audiences enthusiastically embraced the positive energy of the Star Wars galaxy as they followed moisture farmer Luke Skywalker on his journey through a galaxy far, far away, meeting extraordinary characters like mysterious hermit Obi-Wan Kenobi, space pirates Han Solo and Chewbacca, loyal droids C-3PO and R2-D2, bold Princess Leia Organa and the horrific Darth Vader, servant of the dark, malevolent Emperor.

Writer, director, and producer George Lucas created the modern monomyth of our time, one that resonates with the child in us all. He formed Industrial Light & Magic to develop cutting-edge special effects technology, which he combined with innovative editing techniques and a heightened sense of sound to give audiences a unique sensory cinematic experience.

In this first volume, made with the full cooperation of Lucasfilm, Lucas narrates his own story, taking us through the making of the original trilogy—Episode IV A New Hope, Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, and Episode VI Return of the Jedi—and bringing fresh insights into the creation of a unique universe. Complete with script pages, production documents, concept art, storyboards, on-set photography, stills, and posters, this is the authoritative exploration of the original saga as told by its creator.

Paul Duncan ha curato 50 libri sui film per TASCHEN, tra cui il premiato The Ingmar Bergman Archives, The James Bond Archives, The Charlie Chaplin Archives e The Godfather Family Album.

The Star Wars Archives. 1977–1983. 45th Ed.
Copertina rigida15.6 x 21.7 cm1.46 kg512 pagine

ISBN 978-3-8365-8115-8

Edizione: Spagnolo

ISBN 978-3-8365-8116-5

Edizione: Francese

ISBN 978-3-8365-8117-2

Edizione: Inglese
Scarica qui le immagini del prodotto



20 Valutazioni


Al,29 gennaio 2022
Tolle Hintergründe zur Entstehung der Filme aus erster Hand

Los archivos de Star Wars. 1977-1983. 40th Ed.

Julia,17 dicembre 2021
Un libro muy cuidado y completo. Muy recomendable para cualquier fan de la saga.

Für den Fan

Georg,10 dicembre 2021
Ein super Buch für jeden Fan der Original Trilogie. Toll darin zu schmökern und sich Details anzusehen. Absolut empfehlenswert.

Für Star Wars Fans mit viel Hintergrundinformation

Christian,10 dicembre 2021
Habe das Buch meinem Neffen geschenkt, der war hell begeistert, weil er noch viel erfahren hat was er noch nicht wusste und die Bilder gute Eindrücke von den Dreharbeiten vermitteln.


Abel,5 novembre 2021
I could said, I am a huge fan of your works from long ago. Now, that I can afford money to buy and time to read, my life is more joyful. Thank you very much.

Tolles Buch für Star Wars Fans

Katrin,2 novembre 2021
Ein super Buch - sehr umfassend, mein Mann hat sich riesig über das Geschenk gefreut.