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I libri XXL misurano almeno 39 cm.

Japan 1900. A Portrait in Color


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Edizione: Multilingue (Francese, Inglese, Tedesco)Disponibilità: Attualmente non disponibile
Il Giappone ha aperto le porte al mondo esterno nel 1868, ponendo fine a oltre 200 anni di isolamento e portando il Paese nell'era moderna. Sebastian Dobson e Sabine Arqué hanno raccolto vecchie fotografie colorate a mano e fotocromie colorate per svelare il Giappone del 1900, dalle sorgenti termali di Beppu alla nuova capitale Tokyo.
Copertina rigida11.4 x 15.6 in.13.02 lb536 pagine
I libri XXL misurano almeno 39 cm.
Japan 1900

Japan 1900


Timeless Beauty

Land of the Rising Sun at the Turn of the Century

The Golden Age of Travel neatly overlaps with the reign of the Emperor Meiji, which began in 1868 with the overthrow of a feudal order that had kept Japan secluded from the outside world for more than 200 years. In the ensuing four-and-a-half decades, Japan became a less remote and more attractive destination for the international traveler and a popular subject for photographers, both Japanese and foreign.

In 536 pages, this book presents more than 700 vintage images of Japan, texts by a specialist in early Japanese photography, and extensive commentary through thematic sections exploring traditions as varied as tea, silk and Buddhism, as well as itineraries across five regions, all of which guide the reader through this captivating land.

Our travels take us from the enchanting vistas of Nagasaki to the seagirt shrine of Miyajima, long esteemed among the "Three Views" considered the most beautiful in Japan; from the rambling streets of Kobe to the energetic bustle of Osaka; from the cornucopia of historic sights in the ancient cities of Kyoto and Nara to the twin delights of shopping and sex in the vibrant modern port of Yokohama; from the timeless beauty of Mount Fuji and the mountainside scenery of nearby Hakone to the urban melange of Japan’s modern capital, where the traditions of Edo and the modernity of Tokyo co-existed; and, finally, from the jewel-like architecture of Nikkō set amidst forests and waterfalls to the islet-studded bay of Matsushima, until our journey ends in the remote wilds of Hokkaido, home to the indigenous Ainu.
Gli autori

Sabine Arqué is a photo researcher, editor, and author. She has collaborated on numerous publications on the themes of travel, the history of tourism, and photography.

Sebastian Dobson is an independent scholar of the history of early photography in Japan and East Asia. He lectures widely in Europe, the United States, Australia and Japan, and his publications include encyclopedia entries, book reviews, numerous articles and catalogue essays for exhibitions hosted in Boston, Singapore and Tokyo.

Japan 1900. A Portrait in Color
Copertina rigida29 x 39.5 cm5.91 kg536 pagine

ISBN 978-3-8365-7356-6

Edizione: Multilingue (Francese, Inglese, Tedesco)
Scarica qui le immagini del prodotto



11 Valutazioni

Japon 1900

Stephane,30 giugno 2022
Très bien

Énorme !!!

Dominique,27 dicembre 2021
Énorme à plus d'un titre, cet ouvrage vous emportera au début du XXe siècle dans un Japon récemment ouvert à l'occident. De fabuleux clichés qui vous feront voyager dans le temps. À posséder d'urgence pour tout passionné de l'histoire nipponne.


Zoltan,15 novembre 2021
Incredible historical photos. Beautiful big book!

Exquisite book of a bygone world

Hauke R.,4 novembre 2021
Like all previous volumes of the Taschen 1900 series, this book offers a wealth of fascinating photographs bringing to life the extraordinary world of Japan having only just emerged from hundreds of years of self-imposed seclusion. Another brilliant work after the equally moving and astounding USA/Germany/France 1900 books which help to bring the past into our living rooms as never seen before.

Selten schöne Ausgabe

Renate,2 novembre 2021
Unglaubliches Fotomaterial und sehr interessante Texte.


Christine,2 novembre 2021
Hervorragender Bildband, mit historisch sehr interessanten Fotos und Bildern. Dieses Buch gibt einen Einblick in das Leben am Anfang des 20 Jahrhunderts. Die enorme Größe erschwert wohl anfangs das Schmökern, aber man gewöhnt sich an die "schwere" Qualität! Gratulation dazu!!!