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I libri XL hanno un'altezza minima di 34 cm, ad eccezione dei titoli in formato orizzontale.

Sebastião Salgado. Africa

100Edizione: Multilingue (Francese, Inglese, Tedesco)Disponibilità: Disponibile
Le crude immagini in bianco e nero dell'Africa di Sebastião Salgado sono raccolte in questa straordinaria collezione fotografica, scattata nell'arco di 30 anni. Queste immagini raccontano la storia di un continente devastato dai problemi ma immensamente ricco di storia e cultura. Con umiltà e perspicacia, Salgado ci introduce in regioni molteplici e diverse che sopravvivono di fronte a crisi ambientali e umanitarie.
Copertina rigida14.2 x 10.2 in.7.28 lb336 pagine
I libri XL hanno un'altezza minima di 34 cm, ad eccezione dei titoli in formato orizzontale.
Sebastião Salgado. Africa

Sebastião Salgado. Africa


Empathy and Ecstasy

An homage to Africa’s people and wildlife

Sebastião Salgado is one the most respected photojournalists working today, his reputation forged by decades of dedication and powerful black-and-white images of dispossessed and distressed people, taken in places where most wouldn’t dare to go. Although he has photographed throughout South America and around the globe, his work most heavily concentrates on Africa, where he has shot more than 40 reportage works over a period of 30 years. From the Dinka tribes in Sudan and the Himba in Namibia to gorillas and volcanoes in the lakes region to displaced peoples throughout the continent, Salgado shows us all facets of African life today. Whether he’s documenting refugees or vast landscapes, Salgado knows exactly how to grab the essence of a moment so that when one sees his images one is involuntarily drawn into them. His images artfully teach us the disastrous effects of war, poverty, disease, and hostile climatic conditions.

This book brings together Salgado’s photos of Africa in three parts. The first concentrates on the southern part of the continent (Mozambique, Malawi, Angola, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Namibia), the second on the Great Lakes region (Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya), and the third on the Sub-Saharan region (Burkina Faso, Mali, Sudan, Somalia, Chad, Mauritania, Senegal, Ethiopia). Texts are provided by renowned Mozambique novelist Mia Couto, who describes how today’s Africa reflects the effects of colonization as well as the consequences of economic, social, and environmental crises.

This stunning book is not only a sweeping document of Africa but an homage to the continent’s history, people, and natural phenomena.
Il fotografo

Sebastião Salgado ha iniziato la sua carriera come fotografo professionista a Parigi nel 1973, lavorando in seguito con le agenzie fotografiche Sygma, Gamma e Magnum. Nel 1994, insieme alla moglie Lélia, ha fondato Amazonas Images, agenzia che gestisce in esclusiva la sua opera. I suoi progetti fotografici sono stati esposti in molte mostre e pubblicati in numerosi libri, tra cui Other Americas (1986), Sahel: L’Homme en détresse (1986), Terra (1997), In Cammino (2000), Ritratti, (2000), Africa (2007), Genesi (2013), Exodus (2016), Kuwait (2016), Gold (2019) e Amazônia (2021).


Translated in more than 20 languages, Mia Couto is Mozambique’s most celebrated author. His first novel, Sleepwalking Land, was chosen by an international jury as one of twelve best African books published in the 20th century. He lives in Maputo, Mozambique and works as an ecologist.


Lélia Wanick Salgado ha studiato architettura e progettazione urbana a Parigi. Il suo interesse per la fotografia risale al 1970. Negli anni ’80 ha iniziato a ideare e progettare libri di fotografia e a organizzare mostre, molte delle quali dedicate a Sebastião Salgado. 

Sebastião Salgado. Africa
Copertina rigida36 x 26 cm3.30 kg336 pagine

ISBN 978-3-8228-5621-5

Edizione: Multilingue (Francese, Inglese, Tedesco)
Scarica qui le immagini del prodotto



29 Valutazioni

Outstanding creation

Plamen P.,22 marzo 2023
Luxurious cover, very high quality photos, capturing the diversity of the continent! Absolutely worth purchasing

Marcello S.,22 marzo 2023
Fantastic book

The history of Salgado's Africa

Ivan,4 novembre 2021
This is a wonderful book that covers several trips to Africa made by Sebastiao Salgado. There are photos from one of his earliest books "Sahel. The end of the road" along with photos from "Exodus" and "Genesis". It is a wonderful book that shows the many different faces of the continent as well as parts of its bloody history. The photos are an aesthetical and emotional tour de force. The sequencing of Lelia Salgado is masterful and the book is one to be read many times. Truly one of the best.


Eleonóra,2 novembre 2021
This is an amazing and touching book! Everybody should see this book!

Très belle vision réaliste

Michel,2 novembre 2021
Magnifiques photos noir et blanc pleines d’humanité.

Eindrucksvolle Bilder eines "vergessenen" Kontinents

Gerald,2 novembre 2021
Wer S. Salgado kennt wird hier vieles wiedererkennen, aber auch seine Liebe zu Afrika in den Bildern wahrnehmen können. Zahlreiche historische Dokumente über Krieg und Genozid - absolute Empfehlung!