1000 Nudes. A History of Erotic Photography from 1839-1939
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1000 Nudes. A History of Erotic Photography from 1839–1939
25A Glimpse through the Keyhole of History
From the earliest nude daguerreotypes to experimental nude photography
1000 Nudes offers a cross section of the history of nude photography, ranging from the earliest nude daguerreotypes and ethnographic nude photographs to experimental nude photography. The period of time spanned by this work is from 1839 to roughly 1939, from the medium’s infancy to the end of the classic modernist period. Content-wise, the book pays tribute to the full range of pictorial approaches, from the manually elaborated artistic nudes of the turn of the century, enveloped in layers of theory, to the “obscene” postcard motifs which had not the slightest artistic pretension and were intended to exert a maximum effect on the buyer’s wallet.
All the pictures shown are taken from the late Uwe Scheid’s collection, one of the world’s largest and most important collections of erotic photography.
Gli autori
Hans-Michael Koetzle è un autore e giornalista freelance, che si occupa principalmente di storia ed estetica della fotografia. Ha pubblicato numerosi volumi sulla fotografia, inclusi Die Zeitschrift twen (1995), Photo Icons (2001), Das Lexikon der Fotografen (2002) e René Burri (2004). Vive a Monaco.
Uwe Scheid (1944–2000) collected artistic and erotic photographs of nudes, dating mainly from photography`s early days and from the 1920s and ‘30s. Scheid was a member of the German Photographic Society, the European Society for the History of Photography, the Club Daguerre, and the Daguerreian Society.
1000 Nudes. A History of Erotic Photography from 1839-1939
Copertina rigida, 14 x 19.5 cm, 0.90 kg, 576 pagineISBN 978-3-8365-5446-6
Edizione: Multilingue (Francese, Inglese, Tedesco)4.6