Edward S. Curtis. The North American Indian. The Complete Portfolios
125Edizione: Multilingue (Francese, Inglese, Tedesco)Disponibilità: aprile 5, 2025Attraverso più di 700 fotografie in 20 portfolio, Edward S. Curtis conserva artisticamente il patrimonio indigeno del Nord America, invitandoci ad abbracciare la diversità delle tradizioni, a far rivivere narrazioni dimenticate e a coltivare uno spirito di coesistenza pacifica.

Edward S. Curtis. The North American Indian. The Complete Portfolios
125Eco di mondi scomparsi
L'odissea culturale di Edward S. Curtis attraverso il Nord America
Edward Sheriff Curtis (1868–1952) dedicated his entire life to a project all his own, to use a camera to preserve the cultural heritage of the indigenous peoples of North America. For three decades, he traveled in every region of the continent, through every kind of terrain and weather, via land or water, in the 50°C heat of the Mojave Desert or the -20°C chill of the Arctic; moving on foot, by horse, wagon, donkey, boat or train, or later by automobile. More than 40,000 photos were produced during those years.
During his lifetime, the finest of these photographs entitled The North American Indian, were presented in twenty elaborate, large-scale portfolios with which Curtis raised a monument to commemorate the disappearing culture of North America’s indigenous peoples and to bring it fully back to life. In addition, the book holds a selection of photographs from the text volumes.
Without Edward S. Curtis we would hardly know a thing about the rites of the Hopi in America’s southwest, nor be able to picture the Qagyuhl winter dancers, or have any idea of the ceremonies on Nunivak Island. The basic humanistic message that shines from his pictures is highly relevant, namely peaceful coexistence in which you can overcome hatred and prejudice if you are always willing, on meeting a stranger, to seek some idea in common.
Il fotografo
For over thirty years, photographer Edward Sheriff Curtis (1868-1952) traveled the length and breadth of North America, seeking to record in words and images the traditional life of its vanishing indigenous inhabitants. Like a man possessed, he strove to realize his life’s work, which culminated in the publication of his encyclopedic work The North American Indian. In the end, this monumental work comprised twenty portfolios and twenty text volumes with over 2,000 illustrations.
Peter Walther ha curato svariate pubblicazioni su temi letterari, di fotografia e di storia contemporanea, inclusi volumi su Goethe, Fontane, Thomas Mann, e gli scrittori nella Prima guerra mondiale, oltre a diversi libri illustrati con fotografie storiche a colori. Ha curato inoltre diverse mostre. È particolarmente interessato alle prime tecniche fotografiche che facevano uso del colore.
Edward S. Curtis. The North American Indian. The Complete Portfolios
Hardcover in slipcase, 24.3 x 30.4 cm, 2.68 kg, 696 pagineISBN 978-3-8365-9673-2
Edizione: Multilingue (Francese, Inglese, Tedesco)Non sono state ancora pubblicate recensioni per questo articolo. Sii il primo a valutare questo prodotto.