Man Ray
20Edizione: IngleseDisponibilità: DisponibileDall’esposizione multipla alla solarizzazione fino alla creazione di un proprio brand di fotogrammi dal nome “rayografia”: L’innovazione e l’opera di Man Ray hanno travolto l’avanguardia parigina. Abbattendo i confini tra fotografia, poesia e design per creare espressioni eteree, il modernista
ha dato vita a un nuovo capitolo nella storia della fotografia e dell’arte.

Man Ray
20Rays of Light
Man Ray, multitalented master of modernist imagery
With a wide-ranging collection of both his famous and lesser-known works, this monograph gives a vivid overview of Man Ray’s multifaceted practice and photographic legacy. It traces Ray from his artistic beginnings in New York through to his central role in the Parisian avant-garde, where he featured in the first Surrealist exhibition with Jean Arp, Max Ernst, André Masson, Joan Miró, and Pablo Picasso and produced such now iconic works as Noire et blanche and Le Violon d’Ingres. Through numerous examples of still life, portraiture, and beyond, we see how Ray constantly experimented with new techniques, pushing photography out of its documentary domain into ethereal, poetic expressions through multiple exposure, solarization, and the particular brand of photograms he wittily termed “rayography.”
Katherine Ware is a curator of photography at the New Mexico Museum of Art. Her publications include works on Man Ray and László Moholy-Nagy.
Manfred Heiting is an internationally acknowledged designer, curator, and expert on and collector of photographs and photobooks; he lives in Malibu and Brussels. He is a founding member of the J. Paul Getty Museum Council and since 2016 UCLA Distinguished Lecturer in the Humanities. He is editor and designer of Deutschland im Fotobuch, The Soviet Photobook, and The Japanese Photobook and co-editor and designer of Autopsie: Deutschsprachige Fotobücher 1918–1945.
Man Ray
Copertina rigida, 14 x 19.5 cm, 0.44 kg, 192 pagineISBN 978-3-8365-9399-1
Edizione: IngleseNon sono state ancora pubblicate recensioni per questo articolo. Sii il primo a valutare questo prodotto.