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I libri XL hanno un'altezza minima di 34 cm, ad eccezione dei titoli in formato orizzontale.

Germany 1900. A Portrait in Colour


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Edizione: Multilingue (Francese, Inglese, Tedesco)Disponibilità: Coming soon
Questa straordinaria raccolta delle prime foto a colori della Germania mostra una nazione giovane, promettente e fiduciosa. Dagli autori dell'acclamato America 1900, Germany 1900 presenta circa 800 fotocromie che offrono uno sguardo affascinante sui luoghi più belli e mitici del Paese, prima dei traumi del XX secolo.
Copertina rigida con pieghevoli9.8 x 13.4 in.8.70 lb560 pagine
I libri XL hanno un'altezza minima di 34 cm, ad eccezione dei titoli in formato orizzontale.
Germany 1900. A Portrait in Colour

Germany 1900. A Portrait in Colour


A Lost Land

The first color images of Germany rediscover the beauty and optimism of the pre-war period

The turn of the 20th century seemed full of promise for Germany. The suburbs may have teemed with tenements to house the new industrial proletariat, but on spacious new avenues in the city centres, people strolled proudly past magnificent bourgeois residences. The economy was booming, the aristocracy and the military enjoyed unlimited social prestige, and most of the population revered the Kaiser.

Through some 800 color pictures, this book presents turn-of-the-century Germany as it liked to see herself: self-confident, glittering, patriotic but also with a belief in progress and – for those who could afford it – a cosmopolitan flair. As in the critically acclaimed America 1900 the images are all rare examples of the historical photochrom process, a printing technique that allowed black-and-white photographs to be reproduced in colour.

From Ludwig II’s fairy-tale castles in the Bavarian Alps to glamourous bathing resorts on the North Sea and Baltic, the pictures reveal a Germany of optimism, beauty, and transformation. Technical innovations and modern boulevards sit alongside medieval towns, rural traditions, and mystical forests, creating a fascinating and nostalgic panorama of a long lost epoch before the ravages of time and history set in.

Art historian Karin Lelonek works as a curator and author for a number of museums and cultural institutions. She specializes in 20th-century photography and architecture.

Gli editori

Graphic designer, photographer, and collector Marc Walter (1949–2018) specialized in vintage travel photographs, particularly photochromes, of which he held one of the world’s largest collections. He published numerous books featuring images from his collection as well as his own photographs.

Sabine Arqué is a photo researcher, editor, and author. She has collaborated on numerous publications on the themes of travel, the history of tourism, and photography.

Germany 1900. A Portrait in Colour
Copertina rigida con pieghevoli25 x 34 cm3.95 kg560 pagine

ISBN 978-3-8365-7620-8

Edizione: Multilingue (Francese, Inglese, Tedesco)
Scarica qui le immagini del prodotto



6 Valutazioni

Entführt in eine andere Welt

Daniel,27 dicembre 2021
Der Reiz des schön gestalteten Bandes ist das gleichzeitig Nahe und Fremde. Bekannte Orte wirken in ihrem historischen Abbild museal, dadurch entsteht ein romantisierendes Bild der Vergangenheit.

Historie in Bildern

Holger,3 novembre 2021
Mit diesem Bildband kann man mit großem Vergnügen in die Historie vieler deutscher Städte eintauchen und ein Gefühl für die Zeit entwickeln. Die teils ausklappbaren Panoramabilder über vier Seiten sind beeindruckend. In Summe ein sehr wertiges und unterhaltsames Buch.

Zeitreise im Buch

Ina,3 novembre 2021
Germany 1900 bietet einen sehr schönen, umfassenden Blick auf Deutschland, wobei das Buch in verschiedene Regionen unterteilt ist. In den vielen bunten Abbildungen, teils Panorama-Bilder zum Aufklappen, kann man abtauchen in das Deutschland um 1900. Texte zu den Regionen sowie zu einzelnen Bildern bieten weitere Informationen. Liest man gerne Bücher aus der Jahrhundertwende, bietet Germany 1900 eine tolle Grundlage sich tiefer in die Zeit hineinzuversetzen.

You travel back to past in each page

Gilliard,27 ottobre 2021
If you like history and photography, this is a perfect sample of German history through the 1900s. The magic is complete with the colorization of the black and white photographs.

Germany 1900

Olivier,27 ottobre 2021
Le livre nous fait découvrir l'Allemagne au tournant du siècle tel qu'elle voulait se voir elle-même : majestueuse et idyllique, mais aussi portée par une foi vers l’avenir et - pour ceux qui pouvaient se le permettre - un esprit de grandeur, avant la tragédie de la seconde guerre mondiale à la suite de laquelle tout sera perdu ! Une belle idée de cadeau pour les amoureux de l’Allemagne mais aussi pour ceux qui souhaitent découvrir les trésors architecturaux de ce beau pays.


Harald,27 ottobre 2021
Most interesting travel in time.