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Adults Only

The Big Book of Legs


The Big Book Series

  • The Bigger Book of Breasts
  • The Big Book of Breasts
  • Big Butt Book
  • The Big Book of Pussy
  • The Big Penis Book
Edizione: Multilingue (Francese, Inglese, Tedesco)Disponibilità: Disponibile
Il terzo volume della fortunatissima serie di Dian Hanson sulle zone erogene esamina il ruolo delle gambe nell’emancipazione della donna, dalla Rivoluzione francese a quella sessuale. Oltre 400 foto documentano i primi spettacoli di burlesque del XIX secolo, l’ossessione per il nylon degli anni ’40 e le riviste specializzate degli anni ’60.
Copertina rigida11.8 x 11.8 in.7.09 lb372 pagine
Adults Only
The Big Book of Legs

The Big Book of Legs


From the Tip of the Toes to the Top of the Hose

Running the gamut of gorgeous gams

The female leg is a sexual oddity. Non-genital, and nearly identical in structure to the corresponding male body part, there is no obvious reason why it’s eroticized. Yet, through much of history, across many cultures, the female leg was hidden from sight and treated as such a taboo topic that it became an object of intense sexual obsession. In the Victorian era the word “leg” was so forbidden that it couldn’t be uttered in polite society, lest men be driven wild with lust. Even now, 100 years after women’s legs came out of hiding, their allure remains strong.

In this third book of Dian Hanson’s wildly successful body parts series she explores how freeing the female leg became central to women’s liberation, beginning with the post-French Revolution cancan and ending with the 1960’s Sexual Revolution miniskirt. Over 400 photos document the first burlesque “leg shows” of the 1800s, the silk-stockinged flappers of the 1920s, the nylon-mania of the 1940s, the dawn of the stiletto heel in the 1950s, all leading to the golden age of leg magazines in the 1960s. Learn who wore the first high heels, how nylons became a weapon of war, why Betty Grable’s were the million dollar legs, where Elmer Batters got his start, and just what the deal is with feet, while enjoying great vintage photos by Irving Klaw, Batters and other masters of leg art.

L'editore e l'autore

Dian Hanson produced a variety of men’s magazines from 1976 to 2001, including Juggs, Outlaw Biker, and Leg Show, before becoming TASCHEN’s Sexy Book Editor. Her titles include the “body part” series, The Art of Pin-up, Masterpieces of Fantasy Art, and Ren Hang.

The Big Book of Legs
Copertina rigida30 x 30 cm3.22 kg372 pagine

ISBN 978-3-8365-9657-2

Edizione: Multilingue (Francese, Inglese, Tedesco)
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