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I libri XXL misurano almeno 39 cm.

Ando. Complete Works 1975–Today, Art Edition ‘Walter De Maria, Naoshima’


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Edizione: Multilingue (Francese, Inglese, Tedesco)
Discover the master of Modernist simplicity in this fresh overview of Tadao Ando’s entire career. Following the architect from his beginnings in 1975 to today, this XXL-sized tribute profiles each structure through crisp photographs and drawings, and includes such new projects as the Shanghai Poly Grand Theater and the Clark Center at Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, Massachusetts.

Art Edition (No. 1–100), with an original sketch of the site-specific installation Walter De Maria at Chichu Art Museum, Naoshima, on Japanese rice paper, signed by Tadao Ando. The book and artwork come in a red leather box designed by Ando.
Edition of 100Hardcover, 30.8 x 39 cm, 740 pages; in red leather box, with an original sketch of the site-specific installation 'Walter De Maria' at Chichu Art Museum in Naoshima, 28 x 36 cm, on Japanese rice paper, drawn and signed by Tadao Ando.
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Informarsi presso il negozio TASCHEN più vicino.
I libri XXL misurano almeno 39 cm.
Ando. Complete Works 1975–Today, Art Edition ‘Walter De Maria, Naoshima’

Ando. Complete Works 1975–Today, Art Edition ‘Walter De Maria, Naoshima’


Perfection in Simplicity

Tadao Ando’s complete works from 1975 until today, with a signed sketch

Discover the completely unique aesthetic of Tadao Ando, the only architect ever to have won the discipline’s four most prestigious prizes: the Pritzker, Carlsberg, Praemium Imperiale, and Kyoto Prize.

Philippe Starck defines him as a “mystic in a country which is no longer mystic.” Philip Drew calls his buildings “land art” as they “struggle to emerge from the earth.” His designs have been described as haiku crafted from concrete, water, light, and space. But to Ando, true architecture is not expressed in metaphysics or beauty, but rather through space that embodies physical wisdom.

This thoroughly updated 2018 edition spans the breadth of his entire career, including such stunning new projects as the Shanghai Poly Grand Theater and the Clark Center at Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, Massachusetts. Each project is profiled through photographs and architectural drawings to explore Ando’s unprecedented use of concrete, wood, water, light, space, and natural forms. Featuring designs from award-winning private homes, churches, museums, and apartment complexes, to cultural spaces throughout Japan, Korea, France, Italy, Spain, and the USA, this XXL-sized tribute is the definitive overview of this Modernist master.

Art Edition (No. 1–100), with an original sketch of the site-specific installation Walter De Maria at Chichu Art Museum, Naoshima, on Japanese rice paper, signed by Tadao Ando. The book and artwork come in a red leather box designed by Ando.

Tadao Ando, nato nel 1941, è uno degli architetti contemporanei più famosi al mondo. Ex boxer, decise di intraprendere gli studi di architettura due anni dopo essersi diplomato. È l’unico architetto ad aver vinto tutti i quattro premi più prestigiosi del settore: Pritzker, Carlsberg, Praemium Imperiale e Kyoto Prize. Attualmente lavora a Osaka, sua città natale.


Philip Jodidio ha studiato Storia dell’arte ed Economia ad Harvard e per più di vent’anni è stato curatore della rivista d’arte francese Connaissance des Arts. Tra i suoi libri si annoverano la serie Homes for Our Time di TASCHEN e monografie su vari architetti di spicco tra cui Norman Foster, Tadao Ando, Renzo Piano, Jean Nouvel e Zaha Hadid.

Ando. Complete Works 1975–Today, Art Edition ‘Walter De Maria, Naoshima’
Edition of 100Hardcover, 30.8 x 39 cm, 740 pages; in red leather box, with an original sketch of the site-specific installation 'Walter De Maria' at Chichu Art Museum in Naoshima, 28 x 36 cm, on Japanese rice paper, drawn and signed by Tadao Ando.

ISBN 978-3-8365-7236-1

Edizione: Multilingue (Francese, Inglese, Tedesco)
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