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I libri XXL misurano almeno 39 cm.

Yoshihiro Narisawa. Satoyama Cuisine

1250Edizione: IngleseDisponibilità: Disponibile

In Satoyama Cuisine, Yoshihiro Narisawa reinventa la gastronomia con gli occhi della natura. Utilizzando i prodotti della terra (fiori di campo, terreno, fette di corteccia) come ingredienti di una cucina raffinata, il satoyama simboleggia l’armonia tra uomo e natura. Il volume, che inaugura una nuova categoria di ricettari ed è illustrato dalle fotografie di Sergio Coimbra, consente di smarrirsi nelle ricette e nell’universo culinario di Narisawa (dai luoghi dove acquista gli ingredienti agli artigiani che ne realizzano i coltelli) e contemporaneamente di compiere un viaggio visivo attraverso il Giappone alla scoperta delle sue foreste, dei suoi mari e della fonte di ogni cibo: la terra.
Edizione da collezione di 1.000 copie, tutte firmate da Yoshihiro Narisawa e Sergio Coimbra.

What Is Satoyama?

Edition of 1,000Hardcover, printed with 6 colors and varnish, bodonian binding in different Japanese fabrics, book block with gilded edges, 40 x 33 cm, 416 pages; in a gloss lacquered box, total weight 15 kg
I libri XXL misurano almeno 39 cm.
Yoshihiro Narisawa. Satoyama Cuisine

Yoshihiro Narisawa. Satoyama Cuisine


Sustainable Gastronomy

Yoshihiro Narisawa’s manifesto on cuisine in harmony with the natural world

Award-winning Japanese chef Yoshihiro Narisawa has turned to his homeland and nature to develop his innovative satoyama cuisine and culinary philosophy. Inspired by the Japanese tradition of foraging for ingredients on the land between mountains and villages, the area of satoyama, and by similar traditional methods for gathering food, Narisawa has created recipes and dining experiences based on the sustainable use of native ingredients.

Also using foodstuffs from coastal waters and forests, from seaweed and sea snakes to wild flowers and even soil, the recipes are presented and shown in stunning photographs by world-renowned Brazilian food photographer Sergio Coimbra. But this is more than a book of recipes, it is a new kind of gastronomy book that explores the background of where the ingredients are sourced and also how the chef works with the craftsmen who makes his knives and tableware. This attention to every stage of the supply chain is another aspect of satoyama, and in the course of the journeys Narisawa and Coimbra made the book has also become a visual travel guide to Japan and its history and traditions. In this way it is not just the chef’s creations that are presented, but the food in its full context, including the processes involved, and a culinary perspective that combines tradition with modern ideas.

Collector’s Edition of 1,000 copies, each signed by Yoshihiro Narisawa and Sergio Coimbra

Yoshihiro Narisawa, born in Aichi prefecture in 1969 as the son of a baker of western recipes, moved to Europe at the age of 19 where he trained in France, Switzerland, and Italy, before returning to his homeland. Narisawa opened his first restaurant in Kanagawa in 1996, moving to Tokyo in 2003. After pursuing a connection with French cuisine, Narisawa went on to develop his “Satoyama” style. His restaurant has been listed for many years as one of the World’s 50 Best Restaurants and has achieved worldwide recognition.

Il fotografo

After 25 years in the coffee business, Sergio Coimbra became the world’s leading culinary photographer, working with names such as Massimo Bottura and Heston Blumenthal. He studied photography in New York before opening Studio SC in São Paulo. Since then, he has worked on award-winning publications such as Chocolat (2016) with Pierre Herme, Fluiditá with Massimiliano and Rafaelle Alajmo (2013), and with Spanish chef Quique DaCosta (2015). He has exhibited at the Basque Culinary Center and at the Japan House in Los Angeles among many other places. Coimbra is an avid collector of unique dishware, ranging from Chinese ceramic to modern Nordic pieces. He is the winner of the Grand Prix de la Photographie du Tourisme Gastronomique in Paris in 2011.

Yoshihiro Narisawa. Satoyama Cuisine
Edition of 1,000Hardcover, printed with 6 colors and varnish, bodonian binding in different Japanese fabrics, book block with gilded edges, 40 x 33 cm, 416 pages; in a gloss lacquered box, total weight 15 kg

ISBN 978-3-8365-7983-4

Edizione: Inglese
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2 Valutazioni

An amazing journey into a master chef's cuisine

Stephen M.,8 giugno 2023
This book exceeded my expectations. It's massive not just in size, but also in content. I will be spending a great deal of time going through everything this book offers. Well worth every penny and more.

Wonderful Book

Doug,4 gennaio 2023
What a absolutely wonderful book! The photos are lush and beautiful and the included recipes make me want to buy a plane ticket to Tokyo just so I can eat at this culinary temple!